Airmeter support page

Model: Production year
Airmeter -
- - -

Needed Software (Install as Administrator):

Needed Software Windows 7 Windows 8 Windows 10 Windows 11 MAC OS X Linux
& Info
Firmware Updatetool v4.10 N/A N/A N/A PDF
Video AtLibUsbDfu.dll
Java 32 bits
(Needed by Firmware update tool) (A)
Java X86 - - - -
Visual Studio
(Needed by Firmware update tool) (B)
x86 x64 - - - -
Airmeter Firmware v1.0 - - - -
Airmeter Meters v1.9.1 - - PDF
Airmeter Meters
Serial port driver
FTDI Driver X86/X64 - - -
USBdeview Remove all D&R .bat file
(Copy to USBdeview folder)
- - Nirsoft (C)

(For the Airmeter the AtLibUsbDfu.dll device in the device manager is shown as “Unknown Device”)

To do the firmware update with the firmware update tool select Airence.

(A) NOTE: This application requires JAVA 32-bits to be installed. Please download and install the latest version first.

(B) NOTE: Some users still receive the error message: Firmware update failed! Make sure console is connected and in bootloader mode, they are probably missing the Microsoft Visual Studio drivers.
