Question: My firmware update isn't working?
Answer: Link: please follow the steps at this link
Is the unit in Bootloader mode?
NOTE: The firmware update tool requires JAVA 32-bits to be installed. Please download and install the latest version first.
Java X86
NOTE: Some users still receive the error message: Firmware update failed! Make sure console is connected and in bootloader mode, they are probably missing the Microsoft Visual Studio drivers.
Visual Studio
Also take a look at this document: Firmware update "AtLibUsbDfu.dll not found"
If the firmware update tool still doesn't work after these steps fill in the support contact form.
Support Request
Go back to the Airence support page.
Go back to the Airlab support page.
Go back to the Airlite support page.
Go back to the Webstation support page.
Go back to the GSM Hybrid support page.